The Big Move: Selling the House and Taking Back the Condo

If you know me, in real life or virtually, you might know that big changes are afoot in my life.  My children are officially grown and off on their own and my stepson Jake has had a big summer so far, graduating high school and entering the Marines!  When I married Joe I moved from my cozy condo into his house in the suburbs.  



The condo became a rental but I kept it because it was always our plan to come back to it.  Now our not so big house seems large and empty.  It's time to implement the plan which is to sell this house, pay it off and pay off the condo.  

It's all about simplifying our lives so we can do the things we love like travel.  This includes pursuing our passions of art and design for me and music for the hubs.  Today I debut the series with parts I and II.  Please subscribe to my blog and you can travel with me through the process as we pull off THE BIG MOVE!